Our Nurturing Programme (ages 2-18)
Many parents and professionals – including NHS clinical managers – have commented that what we do is very closely related to certain types of therapies. However, there is a distinct difference:
Through our Nurturing Peer Support programme, we provide a new and groundbreaking form of therapeutic intervention – which brings together all elements of a child’s development from the perspective of someone who knows autism from the inside, and who has a thorough understanding of how all the different challenges fit together to create the whole picture.
Combining an understanding of the biology grounded in scientific research, at Durham University, with a lifetime spent developing ways of getting around issues personally, the programme that Keely has created deals with a wide range of issues and anxieties that she has known and dealt with from the inside.
We run our programme based on the needs of the children/young people and their families to help them create and develop independence into adulthood. We provide flexible and ongoing support around autism’s toughest challenges, some of which you can find out more about by clicking the links below.
Toilet Training and toilet phobia
Hair Brushing
Tooth Brushing
Sensory Challenges and Physical Development